
Participantes dos NPPD têm colaborado com a escrita de capítulos para compor obras publicadas no Brasil e em outros países, por instituições acadêmicas e por editoras comerciais.


BOROWICC, Roseli ; GARCIA, T. M. F. Braga . A escolha de Livros Didáticos (PNLD) e as propostas educativas coexistentes em escolas de assentamentos: relações entre diálogos e tensões. In: Camila Munarini; Edilaine Aparecida Vieira; Elodir Lourenço de Souza; Fabiana Fátima Cherobin; Franciele Fabris; Raquel Forchesatto; Roseli Borowicc. (Org.). Pesquisas em assentamentos do MST em Santa Catarina: desafios na produção de conhecimento de professores militantes. 1.ed. Curitiba, PR: Appris, 2021, p. 159-180.

VIEIRA, Edilaine A.; GARCIA, Tânia M. F. Braga. Dos caminhos da pesquisa aos caminhos da escola: considerações acerca de um processo de investigação sobre jovens e Manuais Escolares em uma escola de assentamento. In: Camila Munarini; Edilaine Aparecida Vieira; Elodir Lourenço de Souza; Fabiana Fátima Cherobin; Franciele Fabris; Raquel Forchesatto; Roseli Borowicc. (Org.). Pesquisas em assentamentos do MST em Santa Catarina: desafios na produção de conhecimento de professores militantes. 1.ed. Curitiba, PR: Appris, 2021,p. 137-158.

GARCIA, T.B. , VIEIRA, E.A. and BOROWICC, R. Textbooks for Rural Schools: Conflict Between Norms
and School Practices. In: Péter Bagoly-Simó and Zuzana Sikorová (Eds.). Textbooks and Educational Media: Perspectives from
Subject Education. Switzerland : Springer, 2021, p. 35-46.

GARCIA,T.B. and NASCIMENTO, F.E. Manuals Aimed at Guiding Teachers in Teaching Physics for the Initial Grades of Elementary
School . In: Péter Bagoly-Simó and Zuzana Sikorová (Eds.). Textbooks and Educational Media: Perspectives from Subject
Education. Switzerland : Springer, 2021, p. 202-210.

SOUZA, and GARCIA, N.M.D. Pedagogic Practice and Science Textbooks: Experiences of the PDE/PR . In: Péter Bagoly-
Simó and Zuzana Sikorová (Eds.). Textbooks and Educational Media: Perspectives from Subject Education. Switzerland : Springer,
2021, p. 234-241.

HEIDEMANN, D.S. and GARCIA, N.M.D. Multimedia Materials in Brazilian Physics Textbooks: An Analysis Following the Cognitive
Theory of Multimedia Learning. In: Péter Bagoly-Simó and Zuzana Sikorová (Eds.). Textbooks and Educational Media:
Perspectives from Subject Education. Switzerland : Springer, 2021, p. 256- 268.

ROMANELLI, G.G. B. The New Status of Music in Brazilian Schools Since 2012 and the Role of Music Textbooks In: Péter Bagoly-
Simó and Zuzana Sikorová (Eds.). Textbooks and Educational Media: Perspectives from Subject Education. Switzerland : Springer,
2021, p. 294-305.

CHAVES, E. A. and Garcia, T. B. History Textbook Evaluation by High-School Students In: Péter Bagoly-Simó and Zuzana Sikorová
(Eds.). Textbooks and Educational Media: Perspectives from Subject Education. Switzerland : Springer, 2021, p. 348 -360.
RODRIGUES JÚNIOR, O. and Garcia, T.B. Being a History Teacher: Handbooks for Teachers Produced in Brazil Between
1984–2014 In: Péter Bagoly-Simó and Zuzana Sikorová (Eds.). Textbooks and Educational Media: Perspectives from Subject
Education. Switzerland : Springer, 2021, p. 396-406.


BOROWICC, Roseli ; GARCIA, Tânia M. F. Braga. Processes of production, selection and use of teaching resources in literacy classes in rural areas. In: Stig Toke Gissel. (Org.). Researching Textbooks and Educational Media from Multiple Perspectives: Analysing the Texts, Studying their Use, Determining their Impact. 1.ed. Odense, Denmark: IARTEM/UCL University, 2020, p. 304-314.

CUNHA, Lucas M. ; GARCIA, Tânia M. F. Braga . Guidelines on Physics evaluation processes present in teachers manuals distributed by the PNLD (Brazil). In: Stig Toke Gissel. (Org.). Researching Textbooks and Educational Media from Multiple Perspectives: Analysing the Texts, Studying their Use, Determining their Impact. 1.ed. Odense, Dinamarca: IARTEM/UCL University, 2020, p. 83-93.

GOIS, Diego M. ; GARCIA, Tânia M. F. Braga . Indigenous history and culture in Brazilian history textbooks: rules and practices. In: Stig Toke Gissel. (Org.). Researching Textbooks and Educational Media from Multiple Perspectives: Analysing the Texts, Studying their Use, Determining their Impact. 1. ed. Odense, Denmark: IARTEM/UCL University, 2020, p. 163-174.

KUSMAN, Regiane  ; GARCIA, Tânia M. F. Braga. The perspective of Natural Science teachers on the meaning and use of didactic materials in the final grades of Elementary School. In: Stig Toke Gissel. (Org.). Researching Textbooks and Educational Media from Multiple Perspectives: Analysing the Texts, Studying their Use, Determining their Impact. 1 ed. Odense, Denmark: IARTEM/UCL University, 2020, p. 294-303.

LOUS, Bruno H. C. ; GARCIA, Tânia M. F. Braga . Meanings of contextualizations in Physics textbooks from The National Program of Textbook. In: Stig Toke Gissel. (Org.). Researching Textbooks and Educational Media from Multiple Perspectives: Analysing the Texts, Studying their Use, Determining their Impact. 1. ed. Odense, Denmark: IARTEM/UCL University, 2020, p. 151-162.

NASCIMENTO, Fernanda E. ; CHAVES, L. C. ; GARCIA, Tânia M. F. Braga . Guide manuals for teachers: teaching physics knowledge in the early years of elementary school. In: Stig Toke Gissel. (Org.). Researching Textbooks and Educational Media from Multiple Perspectives: Analysing the Texts, Studying their Use, Determining their Impact. 1. ed. Odense, Denmark: IARTEM/ UCL University, 2020, p. 62-71.

RODRIGUES JÚNIOR, O. Em defesa dos Estudos Sociais: a escrita didática de Lydinéa Gasman. In: João Paulo Gama Oliveira; Lisiane Sias Manke; Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos. (Org.). Histórias do Ensino de História: Projetos de nação, materiais didáticos e trajetórias docentes. 1. ed. Recife: Editora Universidade de Pernambuco, 2020, p. 169-190.

ROMANELLI, G. G. B.. Didactic materials for Music Education: A Brazilian panorama and some challenges. In: Rosa M. Vicente Álvarez, Carol Gillanders, Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez, Guilherme Romanelli and Jessica Pitt. (Org.). Music education and didactic materials. 1ed.Santiago de Compostela: Grupo STELLAE/IARTEM, 2020, v. , p. 37-44.

ROMANELLI, G. G. B.. Os livros didáticos e a educação musical brasileira. In: Sonia Regina Albano de Lima. (Org.). Ensino musical brasileiro – Múltiplos olhares. 1ed.São Paulo: Musa Editora, 2020, v. , p. 155-174.

ROMANELLI, GUILHERME GABRIEL BALLANDE. Writing music textbooks and building music didactic materials. In: Vicente Álvarez, R.M., Gillanders, C., Rodríguez Rodríguez, J., Romanelli, G. & Pitt, J. (Org.). Music education and didactic materials.. 1ed.Santiago de Compostela: Grupo STELLAE/IARTEM, 2020, p. 175-182.

ROSA, Marina Comerlatto; PAULA, Adalberto Penha de. Ensino de Ciências, Escola do Campo e as saídas de estudo em campo. In: Ana Flávia Vigário; Vanessa Fonseca Gonçalves; Wender Faleiro. (Org.). Processos educativos em Ciência da Natureza na educação básica. 1ed.Goiânia: Kelps, 2020, v. 2, p. 165-178.

SANTOS, T. A. ; MARTINS, A.A. ; GARCIA, N.M.D. . The recent Brazilian academic production about physics textbooks in national journals. In: IARTEM 2019 – 15th International Conference on Research on Textbooks and Educational Media, Odense, Dinamarca. Researching Textbooks and Educational Media from Multiple Perspectives: Analysing the Texts, Studying their Use, Determining their Impact. Odense, Dinamarca: IARTEM/UCL University College-Laeremiddel, 2020. p. 51- 61. 

SOUZA, José Leandro L. ; GARCIA, Tânia M. F. Braga . The relationship between textbooks and other resources. Digital educational objects suggested in the PNLD Physics textbooks. In: Stig Toke Gissel. (Org.). Researching Textbooks and Educational Media from Multiple Perspectives: Analysing the Texts, Studying their Use, Determining their Impact. 1.ed. Odense, Denmark: IARTEM/UCL University, 2020,  p. 72-82.

SZMOLA, H. ; ROSA, L. P. ; LINS, M. ; ROMANELLI, G. .B. . Music Textbooks and Didactic Materials: A proposition based on the experience of the ?Family Musician in classroom? Project. In: Vicente Álvarez, R.M., Gillanders, C., Rodríguez Rodríguez, J., Romanelli, G. & Pitt, J. (Org.). Music education and didactic materials.. 1ed.Santiago de Compostela: Grupo STELLAE/IARTEM, 2020,, p. 143-150.

VIEIRA, Edilaine A ; GARCIA, Tânia M. F. Braga . Young students and the PNLD textbooks in a settlement school: specificities in the rural schools of Brazil. In: Stig Toke Gissel. (Org.). Researching Textbooks and Educational Media from Multiple Perspectives: Analysing the Texts, Studying their Use, Determining their Impact. 1.ed. Odense, Denmark: IARTEM/UCL University College-, 2020, p. 175-184.


CHAVES, Edilson A. Evaluation of History textbooks by young high school students. In: RODRÍGUEZ, Jesús Rodríguez; GARCIA, Tânia Maria Braga e BRUILLARD, Eric (Org.). 25 years developing textbook and educational media research. Santiago de Compostela: International Association for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media, p. 175-187, (IARTEM), 2019. Disponível em:

CHAVES, Edilson A.; DUTRA, Marta Gisele Fagundes. A reforma do ensino médio e o direito à educação: uma abordagem jurídica e contextualizada da lei 13.415 de 2017. Curitiba: W.A Editores. 2019. E-book. Disponível em:

ROMANELLI, Guilherme G.  B.. Research on Music textbooks in Brazil. In: Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez; Tânia Braga Garcia;Eric Bruillard. (Org.). IARTEM 1991-2016 25 YEARS DEVELOPING TEXTBOOK AND EDUCATIONAL MEDIA RESEARCH. 1ed.Santiago de Compostela: IARTEM, 2019, v. , p. 189-204.


RODRIGUES JÚNIOR, O.. “Aprender a aprender” História no tempo da Ditadura Militar no Brasil: os manuais escolares da Fundação Nacional de Material Escolar – FENAME. In: Glória Solé; Isabel Barca. (Org.). O manual escolar no ensino da História: visões historiográficas e didáticas. 1. ed. Lisboa: Associação de Professores de História (APH), 2018, v. 1, p. 67-82.